Theology Hamish Powell Theology Hamish Powell

Responses, Challenges and Impacts of the Reformation

The Reformation can be divided four spheres of issues: Epistemology, Ecclesiology, Liturgy, and Soteriology. Each of these issues came with different responses from three primary groups, the Catholic Church, the Reformers, and the Radical Reformers. The Reformation impacted Christianity in a major way, and we can still see the effects of it today within what we can loosely call these three sub-traditions.

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Theology Hamish Powell Theology Hamish Powell

One Body, Many Parts

Today in our modern world we can easily get caught up living a life based on comparisons. What I mean by this is we often fall into the trap of judging our abilities and even our worth as a person by what other people achieve.

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Theology Hamish Powell Theology Hamish Powell

God's Joy

Joy is a sense of being at peace, of being content. It is possessing the knowledge that no matter how bad the world may be, in the end all will be well. Joy is having satisfaction that transcends the material world.

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Theology Hamish Powell Theology Hamish Powell

Solving Materialism with St. Francis

Materialism is very much a prevalent issue in our society. We all live in a consumerist, commercialised, world that is always pushing us to build up the best "collection" of material possessions, power, and wealth we can.

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